Thursday, June 3, 2010


In Utah, after a pregnant 17-year-old paid a man $150 to beat her in an effort to induce a miscarriage, legislators passed a law that would allow a woman in such circumstances to be charged with homicide. Ms. Balch of the National Right to Life Committee said her organization did not support that law because it penalized the woman, “and we don’t support that at all.” Similar legislation was introduced in two other states.

From this article in the New York Times.


  1. for the love of god.

    teach girls how to not get pregnant!

  2. l;kadsfklasghjfjkldfasjkljdfahugfacv,mzois

    Yeah, what mom said.

  3. yes, do that first, and then when they do get pregnant, because god love them they will, freaking let them have an abortion if they want it. that's just disgusting.
