Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hudson Article

I posted this article by Valerie Hudson (isn't she one of the world's hundred most influential people, you Ladies who study with her at the BYU?) on facebook, but would love a more in-depth discussion of it than a like or dislike on FB.

Did she really say that it's good that Ladies have less confidence than men?  I heard her present some of this material as it relates to the ratio of men to women in the Political Science dept. and was fascinated by it.  

Tell me what the Ladies are thinkin'.


1 comment:

  1. i tend to disagree with the paragraph where she explains women's supposed lack of confidence and risk-taking by saying that women live with men who are confident and take risks. seems like more often women end up basically living with other women and with children, in situations where collective decisions are made and taking risks would be stupid. men are usually off somewhere doing some shit. banding together and starting wars.
